Wheeler Pounds, an extraordinary man who struggled against the steep incline to get up Fool’s Hill in his younger days, is nearing the bottom of the hill on the other side after some eighty years of life. His time on earth as an impoverished country boy to the top of the hill in a successful professional career has had its ups and downs, but his experiences along the way have given him a unique perspective on the changes in the ways of living from his beginning until now. As Wheeler walked the road of life, he noted many difference from the 1930s and 40s to now in 2018, and he describes those things that he has experienced, observed, and taken from his memory bank in this revealing book of his life.
Wheeler writes of a time when the old ways were simple but sometimes harsh, and he compares those earlier life experiences to the modern styles and conveniences of living in today’s world. He knew that his big family was dirt poor as far as financial resources but extremely blessed in healthy family relationships. Wheeler has witnessed drastic lifestyle changes from his primitive country living of a young boy without electricity, indoor plumbing, or bathroom facilities, and scarcely suitable clothing, to watch children of today wearing the latest fashions and using the most up-to-date iPhones and electronic gadgets.
During his climb and descent of Fool’s Hill, Wheeler broke the chains of poverty and has traveled the entire United States and most of the world. His observations and writings give the reader of his book a glimpse of the past and a hope of better things to be expected in the future. Through his many experiences, Wheeler’s book provides a subtle but powerful approach to successfully negotiating Fool’s Hill on the road of life.
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