We’re thrilled you’ve chosen to submit your work to Bluewater Publications! Before you submit your work on our Submit Now page, please be sure to review the submission guidelines below. This helps us to more accurately evaluate your work.
Formatting specifications include:
– Double-spaced
– Common font (Times; Times New Roman; Georgia)
– 12-point font size
– Page numbers included
Please label your file: LAST NAME_SUBMISSION.docx.
Documents needed for submitting to Bluewater Publications:
A Pitch Letter – Describe the major theme(s) of your manuscript, what type of readers would
be interested in your manuscript, and why. If possible, discuss possible marketing strategies for reaching out to your target audience. This document should not take up more than one page.
A Detailed Synopsis – From beginning to end, describe all the important plot points and
characters in your manuscript. This does not need to be artfully written or styled in a way to
advertise the manuscript. Instead it should adequately explain the details in the simplest way
possible—spoilers included—for the purpose of the publisher to have a firm grasp of the story.
For a full sized novel, this should be around 2-3 pages.
Sample of Manuscript – Include in your submission a sample of your writing. This can be
either the first three chapters of your manuscript, or the first fifty pages. This should just be a
clean Word Document, similar to MLA format. 12 pt. Times New Roman is preferred, but not
necessarily required. Please do not include any embellishments or notes on how the book may be styled; this will distract from your submission rather than help it. Note: Please do not send the whole manuscript.
Author Bio – In a few paragraphs, describe yourself, where you’re from, your background
with books as both a reader and a writer, and your ambitions as a published author. What are
your goals for your manuscript and any future manuscripts you may write?